11th Abu Dhabi International
in Dermatology
and Aesthetics
2-3 May 2025
Conrad Abu Dhabi Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE
4 May 2025 (Virtual)
Thank You

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 11th Abu Dhabi International Conference in Dermatology and Aesthetics (AIDA), taking place from May 2-4, 2025, at the prestigious Conrad Hotel in Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE. “May 4th, will be held virtually to ensure greater accessibility for participants worldwide.
Building on the remarkable success of our previous editions, AIDA has established itself as a leading platform in the region for advancing dermatology and aesthetics as essential pillars of healthcare. This dynamic and ever-evolving field is fueled by constant research, innovation, and collaboration, making regular updates and discussions vital. The AIDA Conference continues to attract professionals from across the globe, offering a unique blend of inspiration, knowledge sharing, and groundbreaking ideas that are shaping dermatology and aesthetic medicine in the UAE, the Middle East, and beyond.
- Review current state-of-the-art advances in Dermatology, Aesthetics, Anti-aging Medicine, Laser and Cosmetics
- Apply gained knowledge to the care and treatment of patients
- Recognize new and evolving therapies for various conditions involving the skin.
- Apply clinical practice recommendations and evidence-based guidelines to advance patient care in daily practice
- Implement evidence-based best practice strategies
- Apply the various treatment options available
Dermatological Diseases
- Allergy
- Psoriasis
- Advanced in Acne
- Hair Care
- Hair Therapies and Transplantation
- Bolus disease and Alopecia Areata
- Clinical Dermatology
- Dermatology: Therapies & Advances
- Diagnostic Techniques in Dermatology
- PIGMENTARY DISODERS (vitilgo, melasma, melanoma, hyper-pigmentations)
- Nail disorders
- Photodynamic therapy in medical and Aesthetic Dermatology
- Psychodermatology
- Dermatological Oncology
- Burns
- Paediatric Dermatology
- Acute dermatological Diseases
- Skin-Toxico Pharmacology
- Skin Cancer
- Clinical Immunology
- Viral Skin Infection
- Bacterial Skin Infection
- Rosacea – Update on Latest Treatments
Laser Therapy
- (acne treatment, vascular, resurfacing treatment of melasma and pigmentary disorders, hair growth and diode), + work shop
- Advanced laser treatment for skin diseases
Cosmetic Dermatology
- Botox update+ work shop
- Fillers updates+ work shop
- The world of Chemical peels
- PRP and Mesotherapy hot topics
- Aging Dermatology
- Forever young concept
- Medical skin care and rejuvenation
- Peri-orbital and dark circles treatment
- Comprehensive acne scar treatment
- Perioral rejuvenation
- Treatment Options for Women’s Hair
- Loss
- Pearls to Rejuvenate Aging Knees
- Things You Did Not Know You Could do with a Filler
- Fillers complications
- Non surgical lipodisolve
Minimal invasive Surgeries
- Non-invasive Lifting and tightening of the skin + work shop
- Stem cells and fat grafting
- Body contouring
- Hand and face rejuvenation
- Threads face and body lifting
- Female genital aesthetic
- Male genital aesthetic
- Facial lipoesculpture
- Liposuction and fate grafting
- Nose correction
In Association With